نوع المستند : المقالة الأصلية
أستاذ العلوم السیاسیة فی المعهد العالی للثقافه والفکر الإسلامی، طهران، ایران.
الكلمات الرئيسية
عنوان المقالة [English]
المؤلف [English]
The Holy Prophet and The Twelve Infallible Imams and Wali Faqih (Guardian jurist) as the leaders of the society have the authorities equivalent to the authorities of the governments in such a way that with the help of these authorities, they can manage the society and bring them closer to the goals and value system of religion. Naturally, benefiting this authority, these gentlemen will be able to establish public security, guarantee public freedoms and achieve the well-being of citizens. In addition, the Islamic government has the same authorities like other governments regarding some personal circumstances of the citizens, which have turned into the domain of public affairs, and the government cannot manage the affairs of the society except by taking over these matters. However, it seems that unlike many governments that do not consider take over the private affairs of citizens as permissible, the Islamic government has more comprehensive authorities than taking over the public affairs, in accordance with religious foundations and in line with the realization of the educational, moral and cultural goals of religion. This article, which uses the ijtihad method to prove its research hypothesis, and tries to prove the authorities of the Islamic government in this regard, has proposed and criticized the view of those who believe in the minimum scope of the authorities of the Islamic government by emphasizing the holy verse " Al-Nabi Awal’ bi al-Muminin min Anfusihim" and its narrators’ interpretation.
الكلمات الرئيسية [English]
* قرآن کریم
** نهج البلاغة