The Journal of Governance in the Quran and Sunnah is committed to the highest standards of double-blind peer-review. The Journal of Governance in the Quran and Sunnah follows the policies and guidelines of the Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE) and abides by its Code of Conduct in dealing with potential cases of misconduct.
All manuscripts submitted to the Journal of Governance in the Quran and Sunnah are subject to a double-blind peer-review process to ensure the quality of their underlying research methodology and argument. After submitting the manuscript to the author(s) in the journal management system, the manuscript will primarily be studied based on publishing experts (maximum a week). If it is accepted in the first stage, the manuscript will be assessed by the editor-in-chief.
The reviewing of articles in the Journal of Governance in the Quran and Sunnahis by double-blind peer review (the identity of the author of the article and the reviewer is not known to both parties).
Steps to evaluate articles
1. Receiving articles through the journal system (articles sent to the journal via email or other methods will not be in the process of reviewing the journal)
2. Preliminary evaluation of the article according to the main indicators of the journal (subject, authors, article structure, etc.)
3. Reviewing of the article in terms of plagiarism and similarity (it should be noted that only articles that qualify in step 2 will be checked in the similarity and plagiarism system, otherwise the article will be rejected or referred to the author for correction)
4. Submitting the article to at least 2 experts reviewing the subject matter of the article
5. Announcing the result of reviewing to the author (rejection / need to review)
6. Following up the revision of articles by authors
7. Sending the revised article to the comparative reviewer (acceptance / non-acceptance)
8. Announcing the result of the comparative review to the author (acceptance / non-acceptance)
9. Sending a letter of acceptance to the author
10. Setting the article in the accepted articles section for publication
11. Determining the issue number in which the article will be published (with the opinion of the editorial board)
12. Sending the article to the editor
13. Sending the edited article to the author for clarification and final approval before publication
14. Sending the final file approved by the author to the layout
15. Publishing the article in the journal system
16. Sending an email informing the publication of the article to the authors of the articles of each issue and other audiences
17. Submitting articles to national and international databases and indexes