Obedience and disobedience are basic concepts of governance. These two concepts, from an affirmative perspective, provide a set of obligations for the citizens, and from a negative perspective, introduce a set of dos and don'ts. Therefore, understanding the meta-theory and the fundamental basis in different governance systems can formulate the philosophy of dos and don'ts in obedience and disobedience. In this article, the meaning of "religious construction of Qur'anic politics and governance" is the set of requirements and tasks that the Holy Qur'an has presented in the field of politics and governance and has asked believers to adhere to these requirements and tasks in this arena. The main concern of this article is to present the religious boundaries of obedience and disobedience in Qur'anic governance. The findings of the article suggest that in the light of Qur'anic governance, it is possible to infer the necessity of obeying God, the Prophet and Ulu al-Amr (Those vested with authority) in legislation and governance from an affirmative point of view and present its political requirements. From a negative point of view, obeying groups such as heedless, infidels, hypocrites, corruptors, etc. as an act of haram (forbidden), can be deduced and presented in Qur'anic governance, so that in the light of these dos and don'ts, the religious boundaries of politics based on the Quran are extracted and become the basis of action.
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Fallah, M., & Mirahmadi(corresponding author), M. (2023). The Concept of Obedience and Its Requirements in Qur'anic Governance. Governance in the Quran and Sunnah, 1(0), 9-34. doi: 10.22081/jgq.2023.74918
Mahmood Fallah; Mansour Mirahmadi(corresponding author). "The Concept of Obedience and Its Requirements in Qur'anic Governance", Governance in the Quran and Sunnah, 1, 0, 2023, 9-34. doi: 10.22081/jgq.2023.74918
Fallah, M., Mirahmadi(corresponding author), M. (2023). 'The Concept of Obedience and Its Requirements in Qur'anic Governance', Governance in the Quran and Sunnah, 1(0), pp. 9-34. doi: 10.22081/jgq.2023.74918
Fallah, M., Mirahmadi(corresponding author), M. The Concept of Obedience and Its Requirements in Qur'anic Governance. Governance in the Quran and Sunnah, 2023; 1(0): 9-34. doi: 10.22081/jgq.2023.74918